Indigenous people areas in Cambodia
This vector dataset describes the areas where the indigenous communities were located in Cambodia. Dataset were provided to Open Development Cambodia (ODC) in vector format by ...
Natural protected areas and biodiversity conservation corridors
Biodiversity conservation corridors are uninterrupted areas of forest and other habitats rich in biodiversity that link between the natural protected areas (NPA). This dataset c...
COVID-19 provincial time series dataset in Vietnam
This data lists COVID-19 confirmed cases in provinces of Vietnam along with the time series as of May 11, 2020. Ho Chi Minh city is the first place confirmed COVID-19 case. The ...
Regulations of central government and local government responding to COVID-19 pandemic in Vietnam
COVID-19 infected case was first detected on January 22, 2020 in Vietnam. Determined to leave no one behind, the central government has been working closely to make timely polic...
Rice ATM station and Zero VND supermarket in Vietnam
In parallel with the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic in Vietnam, the economic difficulties have increased in general, especially for poor people in Vietnam. Especially when the...
Social support during the COVID-19 epidemic season in Vietnam
The COVID-19 pandemic caused millions of workers in Vietnam to be severely affected, especially unskilled, low-income, irregular workers or those currently enjoying social prote...
Impacts of Mekong river erosion in Dong Thap province
The data provides information on impacts of climate change on Mekong river erosion, the number of collapse house, the number of houses relocated, the number of houses replaced a...
List of Union Ministers
This data set contain a list of Union Ministers of Myanmar.
World Bank Aid Projects in Vietnam
WMS Resources for layers: World Bank Aid Projects in Vietnam, Các dự án hộ trợ của ngân hàng thế giới tại Việt Nam
The World Bank Aid Projects in Vietnam
This dataset includes the information of the World Bank aid projects for Vietnam. The data is obtained from D-Portal, a view of all IATI (International Aid Transparency Initiati...
Land price for immovable property tax
This dataset shows the geographical representation for the price of land per square meter for the calculation of annually immovable property tax according...
Timber Export Values of Thailand 2014-2018 (in US Dollars)
The author aggregated value of the following tariff headers: 940381, 940390, 940350, 940340, 940330, 940360, 48, 44, and 4704 during 2014-2018.
Thailand Total Forest Loss (2000-2018)
This Global Forest Watch's dataset uses a >=30% canopy cover threshold as a default for all statistics.
Forest Cover in the Lower Mekong Region 2000-2015
Forest Cover by country in the lower Mekong region (1990-2015)
Staff reports of municipal/district/khan administration in Cambodia (2015-2019)
This dataset presents a list of all staff members with their information such as first name, last name, gender, education level, experience, role, etc. This information is revie...
Election results at Union level
Election results at Union level (2010 General Election, 2012 by-election, 2015 General Election)
Area of rice by locality in 2018
The data provides information on Vietnam's rice area. The data includes 2 columns: "Area" represents provinces and cities while "Rice_area" stands for the area of rice
The number of marriages in 2018
The data provides the number of marriages in 2018. The data sheet includes 2 columns: "Area", "Number_of_marriages” showing the region and number of marriages, respectively
Fish production of Vietnam in 2018
The data provides information on Vietnam's farmed fish production in 2019 distributed by locality. The data sheet consists of 2 data columns “Area” and “Fish_production” that r...
Contact number of director of municipal-provincial health department
The dataset shows a list of contact numbers of the director of municipal-provincial health department for health and virus COVID-19 issues.