Soil types of Vietnam
Dataset of soil types of Vietnam is a geospatial polygon data which is based on FAO classification.
Sanitation coverage rates
This dataset contains excerpts from the Commune Database produced by the NCDD (National Committee for Subnational Democratic Development). Namely quantitative data about the cov...
Village distance to upper secondary schools in Cambodia (2013)
This dataset provides the distances students need to travel to reach upper secondary schools for each village in Cambodia. Geographic data is encoded in the WGS 84 coordinate re...
Incidence of international migration of Cambodia citizens by commune (2011)
This vector dataset provides incidence of international migration of Cambodia citizens by commune in 2011, as provided by Commune database 2011 (Ministry of Planning, National I...
Domestic violence of Cambodia, provincial level (2010)
Province-level data is derived from the Commune Database, produced by the NCDD (National Committee for Subnational Democratic Development). This file contains excerpts of the Da...
Polling station
WMS Resources for layers: Polling station, ការិយាល័យបោះឆ្នោត
Post office 2018
This is spatial data on post office of Cambodia 2018. It shows the 30 locations of post office with address, working-hour, and contact number in nationwide. The data is encoded...
WMS Resources for layers: RAIN.weekly.201321.color
WMS Resources for layers: vietnam_water300mClipped_AquaMonitor-scale-1985_240m_2013_48m_15p_300_256_1000000000
Water supplier license
The data on water supplier license was extracted from Water Supplier Monitoring System (WSMS), a web-based application that owned and operated by the Department of Potable Water...
Fish consumption
This vector dataset provides aquaculture consumption metrics for 2011 in Cambodia, as provided by the Cambodian Fisheries Administration. Data were provided to Open Development ...
WMS Resources for layers: RAIN.weekly.201320.color
Well locations in Cambodia (2010)
This dataset contains information of well locations, water quality (arsenic, iron contamination...), drilling, digging and lithology. The well map database is an initiative of t...
Disputed South China Sea Maritime Boundaries
Marine Regions is an integration of the VLIMAR Gazetteer and the VLIZ Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase. The VLIMAR Gazetteer is a database with geographic, mainly marine names su...
WMS Resources for layers: RAIN.weekly.201319.color
Votes obtained by CPP 2013 (%)
WMS Resources for layers: Votes obtained by CPP 2013 (%), ភាគរយនៃសម្លេងឆ្នោតទទួលបាន ដោយគណបក្សប្រជាជនកម្ពុជា
WMS Resources for layers: myanmar_water300mClipped_AquaMonitor-scale-1985_240m_2013_48m_15p_300_256_1000000000
Geographical relief of Cambodia
This dataset describes the georelief (elevation) of Cambodia. Data were provided to Open Development Cambodia (ODC) by Save Cambodia's Wildlife's Atlas Working Group.
WMS Resources for layers: erosion, erosion_with_treecover, erosion_with_treecover_simp
WMS Resources for layers: RAIN.weekly.201318.color