Fishery production of Vietnam in 2000-2017
Data provides information on Vietnam's aquatic production in 2017 distributed by locality. The data table includes 4 columns of data in turn: "Year" represents the time, "Total"...
Fishery production of Vietnam in 2017 by locality
Data provides information on Vietnam's fishery production in 2017 distributed by locality. The data table includes 2 columns of data in turn: "Area" represents the local, "Fishe...
Area of fruit trees 2000-2017
The data provides information on Vietnam's fruit trees area from 2000 to 2017. The data table consists of 2 data columns in turn: "Year" represents time, "Area" represents the t...
General Administration Department (GAD) 2016-2017 - Module 6 Forestry Business, Commercial Forestry Sector Section
This is the Commercial Forestry section from Module 6 Forestry Business in the General Administration Department 2016-2017 data.
General Administration Department (GAD) 2016-2017 - Module 6 Land Cover & Land Use, Production of Wood Section
This is the Production of Wood section of the Land Cover & Land Use part from Module 6 in the General Administration Department 2016-2017 data.
General Administration Department (GAD) 2016-2017 - Module 6 Forestry Business, Forest Product Section
This is the Forest Products section from Module 6 Forestry Business in the General Administration Department 2016-2017 data.
General Administration Department (GAD) 2016-2017 - Module 7 Health, HIV/AIDS Persons and Deaths Section
This is the HIV/AIDS population affected section from Module 7 Health in the General Administration Department 2016-2017 data.
General Administration Department (GAD) 2016-2017 - Module 7 Health, Most Disease in Region Section
This is the "Most Diseases encountered in the region" section of the Health part from Module 7 in the General Administration Department 2016-2017 data.
General Administration Department (GAD) 2016-2017 - Module 4 Households, Houses, Village Tracts, Wards, Households Section
This is the Households part from Module 4 in the General Administration Department 2016-2017 data.
General Administration Department (GAD) 2016-2017 - Module 7 Location Association & International Development Assistance, Local Associations section Prod2
This is the Associations section from Module 7 Local Association and International Development Associations in the General Administration Department 2016-2017 data.
Projects Present (MIMU) Prod2
This is the Projects Present data from MIMU.
General Administration Department (GAD) 2016-2017 - Module 10 Local Associations & International Development Assistance, INGOs section Prod2
This is the INGOs section from Module 7 Local Association and International Development Associations in the General Administration Department 2016-2017 data.
General Administration Department (GAD) 2016-2017 - Module 5 Elections , Voters Section Prod2
This is the Voters section from Module 5 Elections in the General Administration Department 2016-2017 data.
General Administration Department (GAD) 2016-2017 - Module 5 Elections, Sub-election Commission section Prod2
This is the Sub-election Commission section from Module 5 Elections in the General Administration Department 2016-2017 data.
Remote Violence (2014-2017) Prod2
This is the Remote Violence (2014-2017) data from MIPS; BNI; ACLED.
General Administration Department (GAD) 2016-2017 - Module 5 Elections, Political Parties section Prod2
This is the Political Parties Present section from Module 5 Elections in the General Administration Department 2016-2017 data.
General Administration Department (GAD) 2016-2017 - Module 5 Elections, Election Results section Prod2
This is the Election Results section of the Election Results part from Module 5D in the General Administration Department 2016-2017 data.
Election State & Region 2010 & 2015, Altsean Prod2
This is the Altsean Election State and Region 2010 & 2015 data from ALTSEAN-Burma & Union Election Commission.
Election Pyithu 2010 & 2015, Altsean Prod2
This is the Altsean Election Pyithu data 2010 & 2015 from ALTSEAN-Burma & Union Election Commission.
Election Amyothar 2010 & 2015, Altsean Prod2
This is the Altsean Election Amyothar 2010 & 2015 data from ALTSEAN-Burma & Union Election Commission.