Asia in the ageing century: Part II, retirement income
A research brief about retirement income systems across Asia. The report discusses the fiscal sustainability of pensions, considering structure, generosity, benefit access and...
Asia in the ageing century: Part I – population trends
This research brief is the first in a three-part series that looks at Asia in the ageing century. This briefing sets the demographic context. With a focus on the countries of...
A study of the climate change impacts on fluvial flood propagation in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta
This paper investigated the extent of the flood propagation in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta under different projected flood hydrographs, considering the 2000 flood event as the...
Fishing for influence: Fisheries science and evidence in water resources development in the Mekong basin
This paper examines the models and assumptions of policy influence that have underpinned the research effort on Mekong capture fisheries, and presents alternative approaches for...
The changing political dynamics of dam building on the Mekong
Since the 1950s, dam building in the Mekong river basin has been enmeshed in a complex and shifting geopolitical and eco-political landscape. The broad geopolitical sweep of US...
The rise and implications of the water-energy-food nexus in Southeast Asia through an environmental justice lens
This article maps the rise of the water-energy-food 'nexus' as a research, policy and project agenda in mainland Southeast Asia. The authors argue that introducing the concept...
Hydraulic bureaucracy in a modern hydraulic society: Strategic group formation in the Mekong delta, Vietnam
The last three decades have seen dramatic changes as increased hydraulic management has become the key to the development of the lower Mekong delta. This process has triggered...
Pockets of participation: Bureaucratic incentives and participatory irrigation management in Thailand
A report exploring participation in water user organisations (WUOs) in Thailand, and implications for policy. Comparing nine WUOs, the author identifies factors that contribute...
Ethnomedicinal plants used by traditional healers in Phatthalung Province, Peninsular Thailand
The report of a project to collect ethnomedicinal data, medicinal plant tastes and relevant information from experienced Thailand’s traditional healers before they are lost....
Dams on Mekong tributaries as significant contributors of hydrological alterations to the Tonle Sap Floodplain in Cambodia
This study aims to quantify how hydropower development in the Sesan, Srepok, and Sekong (3S) rivers, together with definite future (DF) plans for infrastructure development,...
Node and regime: Interdisciplinary analysis of water-energy-food nexus in the Mekong Region
An article examining the findings and recommendations of a major 'nexus' research-for-development project in the Mekong region. The author begins at the standpoint that...
What do lawyers require to prosecute trafficking and slavery in Thailand? Guidelines from lawyers to front-line agencies
A briefing for front-line agencies on what lawyers need to prosecute trafficking and slavery in Thailand. The briefing covers issues in rescuing victims, compiling evidence,...
The state of world fisheries and aquaculture, opportunities and challenges
This status update on the world’s fisheries and aquaculture highlights the significant role they play in eliminating hunger, promoting health and reducing poverty. Part one...
Labor migration in the Greater Mekong Sub-region, synthesis report, phase I November 2006
Migration has been occurring in the GMS for centuries, largely in an informal and unregulated fashion. The GMS Labor Migration program, launched in June 2005 by the World Bank,...
Fisheries and livelihoods in the Lower Mekong Basin: benefits and challenges of community-based participatory research
Highlights the benefits and challenges of community-based participatory research. The presentation focuses on community fisheries and the role of fishing in the lives of many...
The 2014 establishment survey on the use of information and communication technology
A bilingual report on Thailand’s 11th survey on the use of ICT by establishments, conducted in 2014. The report presents major findings and indicators concerning the use of ICT....
Household transportation use and urban air pollution: A comparative analysis of Thailand, Mexico and the United States
This report presents the results of a comparative case-study analysis of the impact of household transportation use on urban air pollution. The case studies were conducted in...
Facilitating safe labor migration in the Greater Mekong Subregion, issues, challenges, and forward-looking interventions
This report highlights issues on labor migration in the GMS and offers recommendations toward increasing social protection for migrants, strengthening capacity and legal...
Transboundary water conflicts, a case study: Yali hydropower dam construction in Vietnam
A report about the challenges in assessing environmental impacts of large dams along international rivers, using the case study of the Yali dam. The author argues that the...
China’s filthiest export
An article about China’s ‘export’ of pollution and environmental degradation. The authors discuss air and water pollution and deforestation caused by China and the impact of...