Inter-ministerial prakas No.14414 the provision of administrative services of the Ministry of Interior
This Inter-Ministerial Prakas was established between Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Economy and Finance, signed on 30 December 2016. Administrative service fees provided ...
Inter-Ministerial Prakas No. 170 on publication controls of website and social media processing via internet in the Kingdom of Cambodia
This Prakas has an objective to manage publication of all news contents or written messages, audios, photos, videos, and/or others means intended to create turmoil leading to un...
Draft Law on Access to Information
The purpose of this law is to ensure the public’s right to and freedom of access to information. This law provides for duties of public institutions to provide and disseminate i...
Instruction on Water Tariff of Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (2001)
This document is about the monthly consumption tariff of water supplied by Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA). The consumption fee was determined and adopted by Phnom Pen...
Inter-Ministerial Prakas No 6744 on Revising Annex of Inter-Ministerial Prakas No 3856 on the Provision of Administrative Services at Sub-National Level
This Prakas was established to take the place of Inter-Ministerial Prakas No 3856 with its new implemented Annex. The column of Maximum price and Actual price have been added. T...
Inter-Ministerial Prakas No 3856 on the Provision of Administrative Services of Sub-National Administration
This Prakas provides the series of administrative services with the detail of its price, processing duration, and validity period as a list in the Annex of the Prakas.