Prakas no. 85 on the implementation of the journalism professional charter
This journalism professional charter aims to continue to ensure a favorable environment for the implementation of the ethics for Journalists with confidence, efficiency, quality...
Prakas no. 122 on the conditions and procedures for provision, modification, suspension, transfer, and revocation of telecommunications licenses, certificates, or licenses Minister of Posts and Telecommunications
This Prakas aims to determine the conditions and procedures for the provision, modification, suspension, transfer, and revocation of licenses, certificates, and telecommunicatio...
Prakas No. 159 on the Establishment of Cyber War Team
This Prakas is announcing the creation of a new Cyber War Team for the press and a quick reaction unit to monitor and promote the dissemination of information about the Royal Go...
Cyber Security Law Draft - Version 0 (6 Feb 2021)
The Cyber Security Law Draft - Version 0 (6 Feb 2021) is distributed to mobile communication operators and telecommunication service providers by the Posts and Telecommunication...
Notification of Ministry of Digital Economy and Society RE: Standards for Maintaining Security of Meetings via Electronic Means B.E. 2563 (2020)
Whereas the Emergency Decree on Meetings via Electronic Means, B.E. 2563 (2020) provides that a meeting via electronic means shall be held in compliance with the standards for m...
The Myanmar Post Office (Amendment) Act 1956
The Myanmar Post Office (Amendment) Act 1956
The Electronic Transactions Law
The aims of this Law are as follows:- (a) to support with electronic transactions technology in building a modern, developed nation; (b) to obtain more opportunities for all-r...
Draft Law on Cybercrime
This law has a purpose to determine education, prevention measures and combat all kinds of offense commit by computer system. This law has objectives to ensure the implementatio...
Law on the establishment of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
The purpose of this law is to institutionalize the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and to define its framework, responsibilities and obligations.
Royal Decree on the Organization and Functioning of the National Council of Science and Technology
The purpose of this Royal Decree is to create and determine the Organization and the Functioning of the National Council of science and technology in order to impro...
Law on Post Sector
The purpose of this law is to set up postal services in and outside the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Prakas on the Organization and Functioning of the Departments and Units under the Leadership of General Department of Administrations
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Prakas on the Establishment of GMS Working Group and Mekong-Japan
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