Toward sustain able forest management: An ndustry perspective
Responsible and sustainable management driven by proper valuation of wood resources, the development of value adding industries, and better recognition and enhancement of the co...
Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis (CFSVA)
This is the first country-wide food security study undertaken in the Lao PDR. Its purpose is to provide WFP and its partners with a good understanding of the nature a...
Collaborative Governance improves management effectiveness of Hin Nam No National protected area in central Lao PDR 2016
According to IUCN’s instructions, the described ‘building blocks’ were formulated to try to follow a logical sequence and make parts of the ‘solution’ repl...
Social Development Alliance Association (SODA) poverty in Lao PDR poverty, gender and ethnicity in agriculture sector in the Nam Ngum River Basin July 2015
This poverty research report presents a range of sex-disaggregated data in order to analyze the poverty situation at the national level and local differences between male and fe...
Decree on compensation and resettlement management in development projects 2016
This Decree provides principles, regulations and standards on the management, monitoring of compensation of losses and the management of resettlement activities in order to prop...
Manual participatory agriculture and forest land use planning at village and village cluster levels
The objective of this MOU is to formalize arrangements between the parties regarding development, dissemination and use of the manual (the Manual) on participatory ...
A critical analysis of the legal framework for human trafficking in Laos PDR
Laos is a mountainous, landlocked country of 5.76 million people and is bordered by China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Burma.12 Being situated in the Asia Pacific region, wh...
Contract Farming Facilitation Training Course Material
The Northern Uplands Development Programme (NUDP), i s implemented by the Department of Planning, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and has received a Grant fr...
Linking the last mile: best practices in rural communication to improve farmers’ and communities’ access to information
The main goal of the workshop was to identify mechanisms for improving communication and information flows to the local level.
Illegal pesticide trade in the Mekong Countries.
The survey in Vientiane Capital and the provinces of LouangNamtha and Xiengkhouang found that most pesticides had Thai and Chinese labels. Pesticides wi...
Labor-saving practices for external extension of slash and burn upland rice agriculture in Laos 2016.
1. Upland rice as cash income. 2. Massive rice production byfield size extension in fertile Remotearea 3. Field extension: High demand on labor-savingIntroduction of La...
Stakeholder Participation in REDD+ Readiness Activities for Three Collaborative Projects in Lao PDR 2017
The importance of stakeholder participation in REDD+ schemes is well recognized both at UNFCCC negotiations[2,4] and in several REDD+ projects In 2007, the COP recogn...
Strategic review of food and nutrition security lao version
This dataset has no description
Resilient Integrated Food Systems (RIFS) in rural Lao PDR 2016
Production and dissemination of climate information services and advisories on cost-effective adaptation solutions for food and nutrition security at national and provincial levels
Rubber policy for smallholder farmer livelihood in Laos 2016.
The aims of this synthesis report are to review and analyze a member of publications on rubber production in Laos, existing rubber policies, strategies of Lao go...
Strategy paper non-timber forest products and the role of the SUUNV program in Laos
Also in Laos the importance of NTFPs has been more recognized in the last decade. First of all NTFPs score higher on the priority list of foreign donors and also from the side o...
Assessment of governance mechanisms, livelihood outcomes and incentive instruments for green rubber in the Lao PDR 2016
In the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR or Laos), a small amount of rubber was planted by the colonial French in the southern province of Champasak during the 1920s. Ho...
Profitability and opportunity of conservation agriculture in acid savannah grasslands of Laos 2013
Four years after the conversion of the native savannah grasslands into agricultural land, the evalu-ation, in controlled experimental plots, of CAvs. CTeffects on soil productiv...
Agro-Ecological Asessment of Phonxay District
When developing policies for agricultural land and land use planning, it is essential to have access to a land resource database. In Lao PDR, no such database previously exist...
Lao-CSOs vision strategy & plan of action..
The GoL is supportive to the establishment and the development of Lao- CSOs and accept as country Development Partner.