Integrated spatial planning for sustainable development
The Guideline is prepared to support training of government officials in the development and use of spatial planning as an instrument towards sustainable development and better ...
Circular No. 33/2011/TT-BLDTBXH provides guidance as to the implementation of regulations on working time and rest time for laborers doing seasonal jobs and processing export goods under orders
This Circular guides the formulation and organization of the implementation of the regime of working time and annual rest time for laborers performing seasonal jobs in the agric...
Joint Circular No. 01/2011/TTLT-BLDTBXH-BYT guiding the organization of labour safety and sanitation work in labour-employing establishments
This Circular provides for the organization of the apparatus in charge of labor safety and sanitation work, assignment of responsibilities for, planning. self-inspection, maki...
Trade Unions Law (No. 12/2012/QH13)
This law stipulates on rights of laborers of establishing and participating in and operating of Trade Union; function, powers, duties of Trade Union; rights and obligations of t...
Mission report (Participatory monitoring & evaluation and on-farm research) IUARP LAOS
This report covers a mission conducted during the period May 4 to May 12, 2002 for the Integrated Upland Agricultural Research Project (IUARP), Luang Prabhang Province, Laos. A ...
Land consolidation for poor people in Vietnam: Report summary
The research employs case studies to grasp the processes and forms of ongoing land consolidation, factors affecting land consolidation, viewpoints on land consolidation and impa...
Law on land 1993
This law consists of 7 chapters, 89 articles regulating the management and use of land, rights and obligations of land users.
Minutes of the SWGAB government/development partners sub-sector working group on farmer & agribusiness
Minutes of the SWGAB Government/Development Partners Sub-Sector Working Group on Farmer & Agribusiness meeting on 16th September 2013. This document includes happenings and deci...
Law on Land (2003) 13/2003/QH11
This Law governs the powers and responsibilities of the State as representative of the ownership of land by the entire people for uniform administration of land and the regime...
Promoting land rights in Vietnam: A multi-sector advocacy coalition approach
Paper prepared for presentation at the “ANNUAL WORLD BANK CONFERENCE ON LAND AND POVERTY”. The World Bank - Washington DC, April 8-11, 2013. "The paper begins with a political e...
Agricultural Development in Laos a social and Technical
The Rice-based Integrated Farming System project, known as RIFS, is the first phase of an integrated rural development program, where agriculture plays a leading role. The pro...
Special economic zone (SEZ) development and managemnet in Lao PDR
In order to achieve the7th national Socio-economic Development Plan and to graduate from the least developed countries in the year 2020 , the Lao government has been trying to ...
Sambor Hydropower Dam Alternatives Assessment, Final Report
The Sambor Hydropower Dam Alternatives Assessment was conducted by an international team of experts directed by the Natural Heritage Institute (NHI) under a formal agreement (Me...
New sustainable energy development plans for governments of Cambodia and Lao PDR could save the Mekong River
Press Release: [San Francisco, CA, April 2018] The Mekong River in Southeast Asia is the 8th largest river in the world, traversing eight countries with some 60 million people. ...
Sub decree No.144 on the separation of Chaom Chau commune of Pur Sen Chey district, Phnom Penh
Chom Chao commune of Khan Pur Sen Chey was separated into 3 communes such as Chaom Chau 1 commune, consisting of 8 villages, Chaom Chau 2 commune, consisting of 16 villages and ...
Labour and social trends in Vietnam 2009/10
This is a rich information source that can be used as an advocacy tool for advancing decent work in Viet Nam. The report provides an overview of recent labour market trends in t...
Viet Nam - Household Living Standard Survey 2010
The VHLSS 2010 was conducted nationwide with a sample size of 69,360 households in 3,133 communes/wards which were representative at national, regional, urban, rural and provinc...
The participatory water resources protection role creating
The participatory protection is mean planning creation base on their experiences and local understanding to water resources participatory protection planning, The processing wil...
Remark by UN RC, UNDP RR at the closing session of the RTIM 2104
Remarks by the UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP at a Round Table meeting with the Ministry of Planning and Investment in 2014. Includes notes on MDGs, governance, economic devel...
Procedures and methods for land use planning and land allocation
This technical booklet aims to summarise the procedures, methods and practices for participatory land use planning and land allocation (LUP/LA) as tested and practised in target...