Fresh Idea Co., Ltd.
The company was established in 2006 and this Environmental Management Plan is prepared in lieu for an application for a license of gold extraction for a year.
The State-owned Economic Enterprises Law
The State-Owned Economic Enterprises Law (enacted 1989) outlined that the government of Myanmar retains exclusive rights to conduct business in certain sectors. The law allows l...
Pyi Daung Su Thar Co., Ltd._YMT-255
Pyi Daung Su Thar Co., Ltd. has started the small-scaled gold extraction in Yamethin District, Mandalay Region, Myanmar in June 2014, with the approval of Ministry of Natural Re...
Pyi Daung Su Thar Co., Ltd._YMT-256
Pyi Daung Su Thar Co., Ltd. has started the small-scaled gold extraction in Yamethin District, Mandalay Region, Myanmar in June 2014, with the approval of Ministry of Natural Re...
Pyi Daung Su Thar Co., Ltd._YMT-257
Pyi Daung Su Thar Co., Ltd. has started the small-scaled gold extraction in Yamethin District, Mandalay Region, Myanmar in June 2014, with the approval of Ministry of Natural R...
Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas -
Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas -
Exec Summary - Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Myanmar Hydropower Sector
မှနြှာန ိုငငြံ ရအောားလွှပစြဈထိုတလြိုပရြေားကဏျဍသညြ ှှံှေ့ပှ ှုားရေားအရကာငအြထညရြှာြှှု ကနဦားအဆငြ့တြှငသြာ ရှ ရန ရသားသညြ့အြတှကြ လွှပစြဈထိုတလြိုပြှှုက ို ပတဝြနြားက ငြ နှငြ့ြ လူှှုရော...