How sustainable is commercial banana production in Laos? 2016
In 2014 banana production covered a total area of 22,920 ha, while banana exports reached 260,000 tons (total value: 45 million US$). ADS (2015-2020) identifies banana as an ...
Land use policy
This article examines changing contexts and emerging processes related to “land grabbing.” In particular, it uses the case of Laos to analyze the driving forces behind land taki...
Instructions on how to adjust the timber processing and production of forest products
Instructions on how to adjust the timber processing and production of forest products
European development partners’ statement at the Lao PDR’s 2014 round table implementation meeting
European development partners’ statement at the Lao PDR’s 2014 round table implementation meeting
The Decree of the President of the Lao PDR on the Application of the Law on Anti-Suppression and Suppression of Computer Crimes, No. 135 / PDT, Vientiane, 28.8.2015
Identify the principles, rules and measures on management, monitoring of counter-terrorism and preventing computer-related crime in order to make this mission effective.
Advice of the Prime Minister on the increased advertising spread education and awareness of laws in the field of agriculture and forestry
Advice of the Prime Minister on the increased advertising spread education and awareness of laws in the field of agriculture and forestry
BTI 2016 Laos Country Report 2016
In the past two years in Laos, the ruling Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) has continued to pursue rapid economic growth while strengthening its power over the political ...
The Decree of the President of the Lao PDR on the Promulgation of the Value Added Tax Law (revised) No 033 / PDT, Vientiane, 30.01.2015
Determine the principles, procedures, methods and measures for the management and monitoring of value added tax to encourage the production of goods and services.
Rules on the management and processing of forest products
Rules on the management and processing of forest products
Poverty Environment Initiative (PEI) Framework in Lao PDR
Despite the significant decline in poverty at the national level , poverty persists throughout the country and many people face challenges related to food securit...
The next generation of farmers in Laos
SDC and other donors are funding vocational training programmes in Laos, and this helps some young people get be9er jobs outside of agriculture Other projects in the heaTh...
Requirements for the principles of timber surveying before harvesting, harvesting and post harvesting.
Requirements for the principles of timber surveying before harvesting, harvesting and post harvesting.
Climate change in the lower Mekong Basin
Report assessing potential impacts of climate change on the lower Mekong, tracking its possible risk for high-risk populations and ecologically vulnerable areas
Communal land titling for securing sustainable bamboo value chains
This presentation is about a communal land titling project in Huaphanh province and covers the background of the project, expected benefits, challenges, and plans for the future...
Indigenous peoples’ rights to lands, territories, and resources
Indigenous peoples’ rights to lands, territories, and resources
Requirements for the implementation of Decree on compensation for resettlement and resettlement of people from development projects
Requirements for the implementation of Decree on compensation for resettlement and resettlement of people from development projects
Agreement on setting up and managing timber harvesting and logging enterprises
Agreement on setting up and managing timber harvesting and logging enterprises
Ministerial Agreement on the Organization and Operation of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Forestry
Ministerial Agreement on the Organization and Operation of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Forestry
Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA) Attapeu Province, Lao PDR
Attapeu is among the poorest provinces and partly because of its remoteness, has had few externally funded development projects. Many people in Attapeu have a subsistence leve...
Termination of timber harvesting in forest areas
Termination of timber harvesting in forest areas