Myanmar - Estimated Population Layers (2016)
Estimated population layers: Alpha version 2010, 2015 and 2020 estimates of numbers of people per pixel ('ppp') and people per hectare ('pph'), with national totals adjusted to...
Population density
This vector dataset provides the population density by commune in Cambodia, as provided by Cambodian Demographic Census 2008 (Ministry of Planning, National Institute of...
Net migration rate in Cambodia by district (2008)
This vector dataset provides the net migration rate by district in Cambodia, as provided by Cambodian Demographic Census 2008 (Ministry of Planning, National Institute of...
Migrants to Pailin
This vector dataset describes the migrants rate to Pailin by district in Cambodia, as provided by Cambodian Demographic Census 2008 (Ministry of Planning, National Institute of...
Migrants to Phnom Penh in 2008
This dataset describes the migrants rate to Phnom Penh by district in Cambodia, as provided by Cambodian Demographic Census 2008 (Ministry of Planning, National Institute of...
General Administration Department (GAD) 2016-2017 - Module 4 Population, Population Section Prod2
This is the Population section from Module 4 in the General Administration Department 2016-2017 data.
Census 2014 - Population Prod2
Census 2014 data containing the Living Condition variables (population here). This data is disagregated by female/male, urban/rural and both categories. It has indicators such...
Urban population projections in the Lower Mekong
Data is derived from country census complied by the United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. The suggested citation of the original report...
Urbanization projection 2010-2030
UN HABITAT projections for percentage of urbanization of populations across the Lower Mekong. It shows urban population level at 2010, and projected additional urban population...
GMS database of large urban areas, 1950-2050 population estimates
This database represents the historic, current and future estimates and projections with number of inhabitants for the world's largest urban areas from 1950-2050. The data...
GMS Major Urban Areas
GMS Urban Areas represents the major urban areas (polygons), with populations greater than 10,000.
You can also access this registry using the API (see คู่มือ API).