Greater Mekong Subregion Airports
The transportation Vehicles in Vietnam
Mobile Phone and Fixed Broadband Internet Density of Myanmar
Harbor and port of Vietnam
A geospatial point dataset containing all known seaports and inland port in Vietnam. It contains geospatial coordinates, name and port classification.
Yangon Bus Service Public Data
This is version 0.1.14 of the Yangon Bus Service Public Data shared by Yangon Regional Transport Authority (YRTA)
Economic Corridors of Thailand
Transboundary roads declared GMS transport corridors (existing, planned and potential)
Greater Mekong Subregion Rail Links 2012
A geospatial dataset containing polygons of known, existing, planned and potential rail network links throughout the Greater Mekong Subregion.
Railway lines of Cambodia
This data is the vector polyline data of rainway in Cambodia for many status such as existing, under construction, planned / potential railway lines in Cambodia.
Taxi boat service
The Royal Government of Cambodia has four taxi boats for transporting Prek Phnov - Phnom Penh - Takhmao passenger safety by international standards. The journey from Prek Phnov...
Baseline Data-set
The MIMU have been tracking more than 200 indicators from various sources and the dataset is available through their website.
Economic Corridors of Laos
Transboundary roads declared GMS transport corridors (existing, planned and potential)
Airports of Vietnam
A geospatial point dataset containing all known airports in Vietnam. It contains geospatial coordinates, object code, name, city, type, ICAO and IATA code .
Airports of Laos
Airport locations in Laos including attributes (name, type ICAO and IATA code).
Road and railway network of Vietnam
A geospatial dataset containing polylines of transportation network in Vietnam. It contains the railways, the principal roads and the secondary roads.
Economic corridors of Cambodia
Transboundary roads declared GMS transport corridors (existing, planned and potential)
Railway station of Vietnam
A geospatial point dataset containing all known railway stations in Vietnam. It contains geospatial coordinates, object code, station's name.
GMS Main Tourist Sites
This dataset contains 120 major GMS tourism sites.
Greater Mekong Subregion seaports 2014
A geospatial point dataset containing all known seaports in the Greater Mekong Subregion as of 2014. It contains geospatial coordinates, name and country attributes for all 68...
Economic Corridors of Myanmar
A dataset containing trans-boundary roads declared Greater Mekong Subregion transport corridors and their status as of 2012 -- existing, planned, potential.
You can also access this registry using the API (see คู่มือ API).