120 MW plant in Cambodia to start operation this week
Atai plant sited in Pursat, Western Cambodia, invested by the China Datang Corporation worth 255 million USD under a concessional contract of 34 years “Build-Operate-Transfer...
6th China-built hydropower dam in Cambodia starts operation
After more than 4 years of construction, Tatay (River) hydropower plant's one of the three generators begun operation with a capacity of 82 megawatts. The plant in Koh Kong...
Foreign Investment in Laos by Industry
Circular of the ministry of mines and energy on the safety for organizing fuel stations
Circular of the ministry of mines and energy on the safety of gas stations, with the aim of setting safety technical standards for the construction of gas stations on the...
Prakas on the implementation of VAT on electric supply
Prakas on the implementation of value added tax on electricity supply, with the supply of electricity being considered as a non-taxable supply and the supply of goods or...
Prakas on the establishment of technical standards of electricity in the Kingdom of Cambodia
Prakas on the Establishment of Technical Standards of Electricity in the Kingdom of Cambodia with detailed conditions for each section, will be prepared and promulgated on a...
Law on Electricity in Cambodia
This law covers all activities related to the supply, the provision of services and uses of electricity and other associated activities of power sector. This law makes an...
Law Adopting the Inter-Governmental Agreement on Regional Power Trade in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region
The Intergovernmental Agreement on Regional Power Trade in the GMS, signed by six GMS countries in 2002, fulfilled the regional protocol requirement and provided a framework...
Law on the Amendment of Article 9 of the Law on Electricity
This law amends a new Article 9 of Law on Electricity(2001).
Law on the Establishment of Ministry of Mines and Energy
The purpose of this law is to institutionlize the Ministry of Mines and Energy and to define its framework, responsibilities and obligations.
Law on the Establishment of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy
This Law states about the establishment of the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy that signed in 1995.
Final Report on Preparatory Survey for Phnom Penh Transmission Line and Distribution System Construction Project
The Final Report on Preparatory Survey for Phnom Penh Transmission Line and Distribution System Construction Project, written by Electricité du Cambodge (EDC), aims to improve...
Progress of Cambodia power development plans and transmission interconnection projects
The presentation slides were prepared for the 8th Meeting of the Focal Group (FG-8) of the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS), on 26 November 2009, at Luangprabang of the Lao...
Cambodia Energy Status and Its Development
The presentation was prepared by EDC for the 2011 Cambodia outlook conference of CDRI and ANZ Royal Bank on 16 March 2011, at Phnom Penh Hotel. The current development of...
National Energy Efficiency Policy 2022 - 2030
Over the last two decades, the Royal Government of Cambodia has successfully implemented a rectangular strategy for growth, employment, equity, and efficiency. This strategy...
Sub-Decree no. 254 on management and improvement of energy efficiency of electrical appliances
This sub-decree sets out the regulations for the management and improvement of energy efficiency of electricity appliances in the Kingdom of Cambodia through the implementation...
Webpage capture on SOLAR LONG PV-Tech (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. company profile
Webpage capture on SOLAR LONG PV-Tech (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. company profile indicates the content and more information on its company.
Hydropower plants in Vietnam by October 2020
Greater Mekong Subregion hydropower dams (2016)
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