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158 datasets found

บทความ: Access to information

  • 2018 Right to Information in Asia Pacific: How 11 countries perform on SDG 16.10

    This report provides a general assessment of the right to information laws of these countries, compares the quality of their most important features and evaluates nine key areas...

  • Municipal/district/khan administration contact


  • Service charges for electricity hook up and disconnection from electricity of Cambodia (EDC) 2020

    This dataset contains a list of public services of electrical supply provided by Electricité Du Cambodge (EDC), focusing on in Phnom Penh and provinces underneath of Electricité...

  • Open Data Sharing Risk Assessment Toolkit

    This toolkit is for anyone intending to upload or share any datasets as open data on the Open Development Mekong’s (ODM) datahub. It is meant to be used to help guide users of...

  • Myanmar Citizen's Budget (2016-2017)

    This citizen's budget was published in order to increase financial transparency that would lead to effective public finance management. This report is based on Amendment Law for...

  • Myanmar Citizen's Budget (2017-2018)

    This citizen's budget was published in order to increase financial transparency that would lead to effective public finance management. This report is based on Amendment Law for...

  • Open Data Inventory 2018 - Lao PDR

    The profile page informs the state for open data in Lao PDR in 2018. Lao PDR ranks 162 in the Open Data Inventory 2018 with an overall score of 22%. The overall score is a...

  • List of Countries with 2 Digit Codes (ISO 3166-2)

    ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 English country names and code elements. This list states the country names (official short names in English) in alphabetical order as given in ISO 3166-1 and...

  • Inter-Ministerial Prakas No.14342 the Provision of Administrative Services at Sub-National Level

    This Inter-Ministerial Prakas was established between Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Economy and Finance, signed on 29 December 2016. Administrative service fees provided...

  • Inter-ministerial prakas No.14414 the provision of administrative services of the Ministry of Interior

    This Inter-Ministerial Prakas was established between Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Economy and Finance, signed on 30 December 2016. Administrative service fees provided...

  • Contact detail of commune administrative

    This spreadsheet is developed from information gathered from the Community Service Mapping which is produced under the collaboration between HIV/AIDS Coordinating Committee and...

  • Best practices for using social media for human rights

    The purpose of this booklet is to provide an overview of best practices with regards to use of social media for human rights-related work.The booklet...

  • Community Service Mapping in Kandal province

    The Community Service Mapping produced under the collaboration between HIV/AIDS Coordinating Committee and Ponleu Komar Kampuchea Organization (PKKO) under the Health System...

  • กรอบการกำกับดูแลข้อมูล (Data Governance Framework)

    กรอบการกำกับดูแลข้อมูล (Data Governance Framework) จึงถูกจัดทำขึ้น เพื่อกำหนดสิทธิ หน้าที่ และความรับผิดชอบของผู้มีส่วนได้ส่วนเสียในการบริหารจัดการข้อมูล โดยประกอบด้วย สภาพแวดล้...

  • Documentation on how to record civil registration: chapter I overview

    This Chapter provides the overview of Civil Status registration in Cambodia, specifically on Birth, Marriage and Death. There are also included some definitions of the key...

  • Documentation on how to record civil registration: chapter II birth registration

    This chapter provides the detail information of birth registration for Cambodian citizens, legal immigrants, and the register procedure for birth certificate. There are also...

  • Documentation on how to record civil registration: chapter III marriage registration

    This chapter provides the detail information of procedure and steps to get marriage registration. The registration is depended on the condition if the marriage happened between...

  • Documentation on how to record civil registration: chapter IV death registration

    This chapter provides the detail information of procedure, steps to register for death certificate, and a copy of certificate. The registration is done differently between...

  • International standards: Right to information

    It is increasingly being recognised that governments hold information not for themselves but, rather, on behalf of the public and that, as a result, public bodies should provide...

  • Open Data in Developing Economies Toward Building an Evidence base on What Works and How

    The goal of this paper is to map and assess the current universe of theory and practice related to open data for developing economies, and to suggest a theory of change that can...

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