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ชื่อ Myanmar Protest Event Dataset v.1.1
  • ภาษาอังกฤษ
  • ภาษาพม่า

The “Myanmar Protest Event Dataset” aims at collecting data from protest events in Myanmar (the former Burma), which allows pursuing various research projects. The dataset contents are derived from the most visible forms of assembly (demonstrations, protest marches, and labor strikes) and were collected with a protest event analysis. In this dataset, English online newspaper articles of “The Irrawaddy” between February 4, 2011 (the inauguration of President Thein Sein) and December 31, 2014 (to be continued) were utilized as the primary media source (N=185). The coding basis of variables was set by the code scheme of the, in its approach similar, research project “Prodat” conducted at the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB). In the special transition context of Myanmar, additional variables had to be added (see code sheet). The 114 variables range from information on the actual moment of the protest event to the aftermath (e.g., legal consequences for protesters, successful claims, ...). The dataset was originally created for a research project, which assesses Myanmar's political transition (see for publications).