The Myanmar Investment Law 2016
This is the 2016 Myanmar investment law that is designed to develop responsible investment businesses, among other things.
Prakas no. 230 on delegation of power to decide on behalf of the Ministry for investment projects to Provincial / Municipal Departments of Environment
This Prakas gives the Provincial or Municipal Department of Environment the right to review, comment on, and decide on the initial or complete environmental impact assessment...
Sub-decree No. 151on the management of the 3-Year rolling public investment program
This sub-decree determines the preparation and evaluation of the implementation of the Royal Government of Cambodia's three-year rolling public investment program.
Law on Investment Promotion, 2016 Amendment
This Law defines principles, regulations and measures regarding the domestic and foreign investment promotion and administration in order to enable convenient, expeditious,...
Sub-decree No. 08 on determination of investment policy on all types of mineral resources
All types of natural mineral resources are not allowed to be exported, those minerals are kept to supply the needs of local factories for processing into finished products. Only...
Sub-Decree No. 139 on the implementation of the law on investment of the Kingdom of Cambodia
This sub-decree aims to implement the law on investment of the Kingdom of Cambodia. It applies to investment projects that are registered by the Council for the Development of...
Law on investment of the Kingdom of Cambodia
The law aims to establish an open, transparent, predictable and favorable legal framework to attract and promote quality, effective and efficient investments by Cambodian...
Sub-decree No. 60 on the organization and functioning of the Council for Development of Cambodia
This sub-decree was created to set the organization and functioning of the Council for Development of Cambodia.
Sub-Decree No. 120 on the management and implementation of the Capital-Provincial Investment Sub-Committees
Sub-Decree aims to establish Capital-Provincial Investment Sub-Committees as the secretariat of the capital and provincial administration to review decision on private...
Special briefing: Law on investment
This special briefing on Law on Investment focuses on investment incentives, investment guarantees, and policy and procedure.
Royal Kram No.1021/014 promulgated the law on investment of the Kingdom of Cambodia
This law aims to establish an open, transparent, predictable legal framework that is favorable for investment to attract and promote investment by Cambodian or foreign entities...
Sub Decree No. 82 on the organization and implementation of the inter-ministerial technical committee for the development of land management policy and usage to develop Sihanoukville into a multi-purpose special economic zone
Sub decree No. 82 aim to set forth the implementation and organization of the Inter-ministerial technical committee for the development of land management policy and usage to...
Decree No. 433 on Special Economic Zone and Specific Economic Zone
This Decree defines the principles, regulations, organization, activities, policies relating to the special economic zone and specific economic zone (SEZ), constituting the...
Foreign Investment Law (Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No. 21/2012)
Sub-Decree No. 122 on the establishment of Sisit Special Economic Zone
Sisit special economic zone, which covers 17,252,519 square meters, was established in addition to the existing 40 SEZs. This special economic zone is located in Chrouy Svay...
Law on Petroleum and Petroleum Production Management
The law aims to promote the sustainable and effective development of the oil sector to contribute to the economic, social and long-term benefits of the nation. The purpose of...
Decree on Controlled Concession List in Lao PDR
This decree comprises of 8 articles, identified what is the controlled list of concession, and the role of each government unit who will take in charge of controlled list of...
Sub-decree No. 147 on the Organization and Functioning of the Council for Development of Cambodia
This sub-decree was created to set the organization and functioning of the Council for Development of Cambodia.
Sub-decree No.149 on the Organization and Functioning of the Council for Development of Cambodia
This sub-decree was created to set the organization and functioning of the Council for Development of Cambodia.
Sub-decree No.27 on the Amendment the Article 1 of Sub-decree No.147 on the Organization and Functioning of the Council for Development of Cambodia
This Sub-decree is established to amend the Article 1 point 1.2 by removing Prince Norodom Ranariddh from the composition of Co-president of Council for Development of Cambodia.
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