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ปรับปรุงครั้งล่าสุด 8 กรกฎาคม ค.ศ. 2019
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ชื่อ Prakas​ No.​ 154​ on​ the​ recognition​ of​ "Prey Kamraeng"​ Community​ Natural​ Protected​ Area​ in the Biodiversity Conservation Corridor "North Tonle Sap" in​ Srae and Slaeng Toul villages,​ Rieb Roy commune,​ Rovieng district,​ Preah Vihear province

Prey Kamraeng​ Community​ Natural​ Protected​ Area​ with​ the​ area​ of​ 700.46 hectares​ is​ located​ in​ the Biodiversity Conservation Corridor "North Tonle Sap"​ in​ Srae and Slaeng Toul villages,​ Rieb Roy commune,​ Rovieng district,​ Preah Vihear province.​ The​ establishment​ of​ Prey Kamraeng Community​ Natural​ Protected​ Area​ aims​ to​ enhance​ the​ sustainable​ natural​ resource​ management​ and​ local​ livelihood​ in​ accordance​ with​ with​ the​ policies of the Royal​ Government of Cambodia.

  • ภาษาเขมร