Kyauk Phyu Special Economic Zone
This is the website that contains information regarding the Kyauk Phyu SEZ.
Cambodia: Between China and Japan
The paper provides some background on the bilateral relations between Cambodia-China and Cambodia-Japan. It then compares and analyses the importance of these two bilateral...
Falling rubber prices in Northern Laos: local responses and policy options
A rubber case study by Thoumthone Vongvisouk, PhD and Michael Dwyer, PhD on Falling rubber prices in Northern Laos: local responses and policy options. The report highlights the...
Guiding principles towards responsible agricultural investment in Lao PDR
A discussion note from Mekong Region Land governance (MRLG) summarizing findings and recommendations of a multi-stakeholder initiative and study tour conducted in Southern Laos,...
Power, progress and impoverishment: Plantations, hydropower, ecological change and community transformation in Hinboun District, Lao PDR
This report documents the contemporary ecological, social and economic transformations occurring in one village in Lao PDR’s central Khammouane province under multiple sources...
Land, rubber and people: Rapid agrarian changes and responses in Southern Laos
This study examines rubber development in Bachiengchaleunsouk (Bachieng) District, Champasak Province, southern Laos, and argues these developments are largely benefiting...
Forest Investment Program Lao PDR
Laos is a pilot country of the Forest Investment Program (FIP), a targeted programme of the Strategic Climate Fund (SCF), which is one of two funds within the framework of the...
Forest Conversion in Lao PDR: Implications and Impacts of Expanding Land Investments
This policy brief examines the institutional and legal framework surrounding forest conversion in Lao PDR, giving special consideration to the social, environmental, and legal...
Department of State: 2014 Investment Climate Statement
Cambodia has experienced rapid economic growth over the last decade. Cambodian gross domestic product (GDP) grew at an average annual rate of over eight percent between 2000 and...
Partner Countries
The UN-REDD Programme currently supports 64 partner countries across Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America and the Caribbean.
Evaluation of the EU FLEGT Action Plan (Forest Law Enforcement Governance and Trade) 2004-2014
A team of eight experts has conducted an independent evaluation of eleven years (2004-2014) of implementation of the EU Action Plan on Forest Law Enforcement Governance and...
From REDD+ projects to ‘jurisdictional REDD+’: more bad news for the climate and communities
For many people, REDD+ is about projects that save forests. In reality, however, REDD+ has never been about protecting forests and also no longer really is about projects but...
Workshop proceedings on corn production and market chains: Building framework for border trade and cooperation
This workshop was a culmination of a process to better understand the corn value chain in Oudomxay and China. In 2005, The Socio-economic research component of the Lao Swedish...
Impacts of contract farming on poverty and environment in Lao PDR
This study builds on the results of existing research and links to ongoing research in contract farming to generate policy-relevant information. The overall goal of this study...
Decree of the Prime Minister on the Role and Scope of the Management Board of Foreign Investment at the Central and Local Level No. 64 / NOV 23rd, 2003
Decree of the Prime Minister on the Role and Scope of the Management Board of Foreign Investment at the Central and Local Level No. 64 / NOV 23rd, 2003
Analysis of investments of China and other neighboring countries and their Influence on the development context in Lao PDR
A brief overview of foreign investment in Laos, predominantly from China, but also from other neighboring countries, and their effect on Laos' development, politics, and...
China In Laos: Is there cause for worry?
Chinese companies have played a key role in the development of the plantation in-dustry and other agribusiness sectors (rubber, corn, sugarcane, cassava, banana, watermelon,...
Analysis of Project 41924 - 014 : Nam Ngiep 1 Hydropower Project , Lao PDR
Analyzes a foreign investment into a Lao hydro power project, and its impact on local population. Provides recommendations on conducting environmental impact studies and...
Evaluating the state of large-scale land acquisitions in the Lao PDR
Assessment of the State Land Lease Concessions Inventory (SLLCI), a database of land-based investment in Laos containing information of area, capital, and investment origin.
Vientiane declaration on partnership for effective development cooperation
Lao PDR official document on guidelines and goals for partnerships with international development organizations.
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