Presentation: Artificial Intelligence and Digital Rights in Southeast Asia (Cambodia ICT Camp 2024)
In this presentation, Dr. Marc Piñol Rovira, Research Manager and oversees the operations of the research team at Asia Centre, providing insights and explanations on this...
Panel Discussion: Draft Law on Cybercrime Law in Cambodia (Cambodia ICT Camp 2024)
Esteemed speaker for the panel Discussion on the topic: "Draft Law on Cybercrime Law in Cambodia," is Lt. Col. Chhay Bunrommanith. The discussion is moderated by Dr. Marc Piñol...
Opening Ceremony (Cambodia ICT Camp 2024)
The ceremony was a smooth and successful event, proceeded with the presence of H.E. Dr. Sam Sethserey, Director General of the General Department of Information and...
List of operators operating telecommunication services
A list of operators operating this telecommunications service provides the name of the licensed company, address and contact number.
Telecommunications operators
The education youth and sport performance in the academic year 2021-2022 and goals for the academic year 2022-2023
The Ministry and stakeholders have achieved significant accomplishments, such as increased enrolments in all school levels, in particular the nine-year basic education...
Project fact sheet: Strengthening informal economies and SMEs in Cambodia through open data and digital literacy
This project will empower members of informal economies like women and indigenous peoples (IPs) with enhanced digital rights, budget literacy, and policy training to understand...
Decision no. 205 on the establishment of the Fengfu Svay Rieng Special Economic Zone administration
This decision marks the establishment of the Fengfu Special Economic Zone Administration, located in Trapeang Chhlounh village, Nhor commune, Preah Bak Ka village, Prey Sakum...
Decision no. 203 on the establishment of the Forson Giga Special Economic Zone administration
This decision marks the establishment of the Forson Giga Special Economic Zone Administration, located in Russey Am village, Khsaetr commune,Kampong Rou district, Svay Rieng...
Sub-decree no. 249 on determining the rate of sharing of revenue from public services and revenue from the management of state assets from the national administration as a benefit to the sub-national administration budget
This sub-decree determines the rate of sharing of revenue from public services and revenue from the management of state assets from the national administration to benefit the...
Sub-decree no. 247 on the establishment of Koh Kong Zhejiang Special Economic Zone
This sub-decree outlines the establishment of the Koh Kong Zhejiang Special Economic Zone, located in Ou Chrov village, Boeng Preav commune, and Chheu Neang village, Chrouy...
Prakas no. 85 on the implementation of the journalism professional charter
This journalism professional charter aims to continue to ensure a favorable environment for the implementation of the ethics for Journalists with confidence, efficiency,...
Arbitral awards for the labor incident involving F.P.Z. Furniture (Cambodia) Co., Ltd.
This arbitral award is the labor incidents datasets.
Arbitral awards for the labor incident involving Yakjin (Cambodia) Inc.
This arbitral award is the labor incidents datasets.
Sub-decree no. 224 on the reclassification of land from state public property to state private property
This sub-decree outlines the reclassification of public state property to private state property for two land locations: 1. A land site measuring 1,742 square meters located in...
Arbitral awards for the labor incident involving Thai Boon Roong Industry (C.K) Company Limited
This arbitral award is the reference for labor incidents dataset.