Pre-IDEA Sprint II Cluster Workshop
This slide presentation shows the information about the IDEA Sprint program and a collaboration of CSOs and a private company.
Tech Salon 6: Password Manager
This slide presentation is prepared for the monthly Tech Salon organized by KAWSANG to share the technology solution for the ICT challenges civil society organizations face...
Tech Salon 5: USAID-CSS Cluster Lead Grantees sharing experiences
On February 1, 2023, Kawsang organized Tech Salon # 5 with the participation of civil society organizations (grantee of FHI-360-Civil Society Support project) to share their...
Tech Salon 4: Data collection tools
This slide presentation is prepared for the monthly Tech Salon organized by KAWSANG to share the technology solution for the ICT challenges civil society organizations face...
Tech Salon 2: Strengthen Facebook social media strategy for civil society organizations
This slide presentation is prepared for the monthly Tech Salon organized by KAWSANG to share the technology solution for the ICT challenges civil society organizations face...
Tech Salon 1: Increasing your safety on Telegram
This slide presentation is prepared for the monthly Tech Salon organized by KAWSANG to share the technology solution for the ICT challenges civil society organizations face...