Fresh Idea Co., Ltd.
The company was established in 2006 and this Environmental Management Plan is prepared in lieu for an application for a license of gold extraction for a year.
The State-owned Economic Enterprises Law
The State-Owned Economic Enterprises Law (enacted 1989) outlined that the government of Myanmar retains exclusive rights to conduct business in certain sectors. The law allows...
Pyi Daung Su Thar Co., Ltd._YMT-255
Pyi Daung Su Thar Co., Ltd. has started the small-scaled gold extraction in Yamethin District, Mandalay Region, Myanmar in June 2014, with the approval of Ministry of Natural...
Pyi Daung Su Thar Co., Ltd._YMT-256
Pyi Daung Su Thar Co., Ltd. has started the small-scaled gold extraction in Yamethin District, Mandalay Region, Myanmar in June 2014, with the approval of Ministry of Natural...
Pyi Daung Su Thar Co., Ltd._YMT-257
Pyi Daung Su Thar Co., Ltd. has started the small-scaled gold extraction in Yamethin District, Mandalay Region, Myanmar in June 2014, with the approval of Ministry of Natural...
Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas -
Oil and Gas
Oil and Gas -
Exec Summary - Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Myanmar Hydropower Sector
မှနြှာန ိုငငြံ ရအောားလွှပစြဈထိုတလြိုပရြေားကဏျဍသညြ ှှံှေ့ပှ ှုားရေားအရကာငအြထညရြှာြှှု ကနဦားအဆငြ့တြှငသြာ ရှ ရန ရသားသညြ့အြတှကြ လွှပစြဈထိုတလြိုပြှှုက ို ပတဝြနြားက ငြ နှငြ့ြ...