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ปรับปรุงครั้งล่าสุด 14 สิงหาคม ค.ศ. 2024
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Name [Draft] Initial Environment and Social Impact Assessment (IESIA) on Limestones construction business of China Sui Tai Rock factory Co., Ltd
Resource's languages
  • ภาษาเขมร

The main purpose of China Sui Tai Rock Factory's construction stone business project is to contribute to the sustainable development of construction stone by supplying construction stone to construction material depots throughout Kampong Speu and nearby provinces. Contribute to the development of various infrastructures in the province, such as bridges, roads, and canals, and contribute to reducing people's poverty by increasing income by providing employment, reducing migration, and reducing the cost of stone and construction materials. Participation increases national income through the payment of mineral resource registration fees.