Myanmar Climate Change Policy 2019
The purpose of this Policy is to provide long term direction and guidance to: (a) Take and promote climate change action on adaptation and mitigation in Myanmar; (b) Integrate...
Protection of Wildlife and Conservation of Natural Areas Law 1994
The objectives of this Law, consisting of XII Chapters, are as follows: (a) to implement the Government policy for wildlife protection; (b) to implement the Government policy...
The Mangroves of Myanmar
This journal report underlines the significant and ongoing decline of mangrove coverage, the importance to protect these ecosystems, and their roles for critically endangered...
Forests and forestry in Myanmar: an overview of forestry laws, policies, and strategies
Myanmar possesses great variation in topography and climatic conditions, and six major forest types can be found in the country, ranging from mangrove forests in the coastal...
Myanmar's changing mangroves Implications for nature, people and climate
Myanmar is home to globally significant mangrove forests, which support numerous endangered species, and are vital to local economies and society. However, these forests are...
Mangrove status, its ecosystem, and climate change in Myanmar: A study in Ayeyarwaddy Delta Coastal Zone
Myanmar is a country belonging mangrove and its ecosystem, a unique vegetative species with a high ecosystem services: much higher carbon sequestration than terrestrial forests...
Biodiversity and Conservation of Protected Areas Law
The draft law addresses the existing regulations pertaining to biodiversity and conservation of protected areas within the Union of Myanmar.
Threatened ecosystems of Myanmar:
Myanmar's Red List of Ecosystems is a tool to understand our threats and plan for conservation and sustainable management. Forests constitute the dominant ecosystems in Myanmar,...
Over 380,000 acres of mangrove forests conserved in Rakhine State
There are 381,036 acres of mangrove forest in Rakhine State, and six protected areas that cover 87,219 acres are state-owned.
Forestry in Myanmar 2020
The Forest Department released 2020 report, consists various contents with up-to-date information about institutional structure, forest resources base, rules and law and etc.
Freedom in the World: Myanmar country report
Freedom House rates people’s access to political rights and civil liberties in 210 countries and territories through its annual Freedom in the World report. This is Myanmar...
Freedom on the Net: Myanmar country report
Internet access is improving in Myanmar, as more users go online via smart phones connected to newly available and fast 4G services, despite access being comparatively...
Refugee protection in Southeast Asia
Most countries in Southeast Asia have not acceded to the international Refugee Convention. However, there is a lived practice of refugee protection in the region that is largely...
Acts of Defiance: How US traders are ignoring sanctions to import conflict teak from Myanmar
Following the coup, natural resources provide a source of profit for the military, whereby the forests of Myanmar are defined by their monetary value and have been part of the...
Defence lawyers’ toolkit for “false news” cases in Myanmar
Hundreds of innocent journalists, human rights defenders, activists, Facebook users, protesters, and politicians have been arrested, charged, and sentenced under Myanmar’s...
Country overview: Myanmar
Dramatic changes took place in Myanmar beginning in 2011 that began a transition in this country from half a century of military rule to a hybrid system of government with...
Surviving Myanmar’s digital coup
In the early hours of 1 February 2021, the Myanmar military launched a coup to depose the newly elected government. The military’s offline offensive was accompanied by a digital...
A Silent Sangha? Buddhist Monks in Post-coup Myanmar
The Myanmar Sangha – the country’s community of Buddhist monks and nuns – has played a mostly marginal role in the anti-regime resistance following the military’s February 2021...
Recognition of customary tenure in the forest landscapes of the Mekong region (policy brief)
The policy brief, one of four briefs on the agrarian transition in the Mekong region, explores initiatives and pathways forward to recognise customary tenure arrangements and...